brought to you by Quastar Home Video Presentations ...and ME
Over the weekend I picked up these tapes from the Amvets Thrift Store in Knoxville, Tennessee. I did my best beforehand to seek out whether or not they are preserved anywhere else online, but as far as I can tell, there’s very little information about these documentaries on the internet, let alone preserved copies. Until now!
Tucked between two of the tapes were three things:
a brochure advertising some other amazing national park themed products one could mail order including watches, t-shirts, wall art, and calendars.
a small pamphlet with even smaller text containing all or most of the information presented in the videos as narration in writing.
and last a national map and guide of all the registered parks across the country
The barcodes on the tape sleeves were recognized by my collection cataloging app and while this didn’t provide me with a whole lot of new information, I was able to date these as from 2002. From the footage, however I would guess that these documentaries were at least shot sometime in the 90s, possible even available then too, though I can’t confirm that. 2002 could be the distribution date, though, for this particular set of tapes, but until I’m able to find out more information, that’s the only date I have to go on.
Anyways, thanks for checking out this newsletter, below are the videos!
The Story of Yellowstone National Park
The Story of Grand Canyon National Park
The Story Of Yosemite National Park
If you’d like to check out any of my other VHS preservation projects, take a look at this Youtube playlist or check out the following past articles:
Diptych #15: Two Tapes & a Music Video
a look at American DJ Product Video Volume 9 (1998), a virtual catalog of new DJ equipment, with nearly 40 minutes of great house music and Beautiful Tennessee presented by Nashville Public Television in 2005, an hourlong documentary set in some of the most beautiful places in TennesseeMemories From The Levi Strauss & Co. Factory in Powell, Tennessee
a full hour documenting the story of and all the good memories associated with the now shuttered Levi Strauss Factory in Powell, Tennessee
As always, if you have any questions or comments you can get at me here or here or leave a comment below this post. If you haven’t subscribed to this newsletter yet (it’s free) please think about doing so.
See you soon.