Hi, I’m Forrest.

I’m a photographer, writer, and musician from East Tennessee.


Diptych’s are my favorite form of art. I love seeing two pieces of work enhanced by each other and the synergy two pieces of visual art can have. While I don’t often post traditional diptychs, the spirit of this type of art is something I try to capture with each article by showcasing different kinds of media with each post.

This blog is host to multiple types of original content. All posts with “Diptych” in the title are mainline, longform posts.

While photography, videography, archival work, beat making, and writing are the main types of content you will find here, many other interests and hobbies of mine have found their home here.

Find Me Elsewhere


What does diptych mean?
“A diptych (pronounced dip-tick) is a piece of art created in two parts.” (source)
I think I mostly like the idea of duality and thinking about how separate works can compliment each other. Most things I create, I create with the intention of posting them online where they will likely be viewed next to other entries of my work, or possibly someone else’s, essentially creating an infinite number of diptychs.

What kind of camera do you use?
This gets asked enough that I wrote two articles about it.
(In) My Bag
In My Bag(s) Part II: Eclectic Bag-A-Loo

How big is your VHS collection?
You can check out my full collection catalogue here.

What’s your favorite kind of train engine?
Honestly, I don’t have one. Many of the tapes I manage to find are train related, but they are not one of my hobbies. Many of my readers are really into trains, though and know much more than I ever will about them!

Do you have a favorite Youtube channel?
Yes I sure do!

Contact Me

The best ways to get in touch with me are here and here

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dusty photographs, unrefined words and really dumb beats from east tennessee


Photographer, writer, and musician from East Tennessee.